Sunday, April 1, 2012

6 Month Challenge... TA DA!!!

I finished the Book of Mormon in less than 6 months!  And actually, it was less than 5 months!  I've never tried to read it that quickly, even when President Hinckley challenged us many years ago.  But our stake (group of about 10 congregations) issued this challenge, and I did it!  I WON!  :)

What did I win?  5 months of awesome edification.  And I loved every second of it.  The view I got of the Book of Mormon, reading it so quickly, was much more comprehensive, and it allowed me the intense blessing of delving into these inspired words, nearly every day.  I also have a greater confidence that when I do study in the future, I can cover a few verses or many verses, and still be enlightened.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book of scripture.

As I wrap up my 6 (5) Month Challenge of this book, I wanted to share what I found most interesting about the last chapter of the book.  Moroni knows that he's wrapping it up, and he leaves some gems to ponder. 

(photo source)
 In the beginning of the last chapter, he exhorts the reader to ask God if the things contained therein are true, and he explains how to understand the answer. (see Moroni 10:3-5)  But then he starts a whole new discourse on spiritual gifts.  It was awesome to read, as this was what I was focusing on as I read the Book of Mormon.  It seems evident to me that the whole Book of Mormon is dedicated to these wondrous events, of spiritual manifestations, testifying that God lives! 

Here's one of my favorite verses:

"And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the agifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are bdifferent ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the cSpirit of God unto men, to profit them." (Moroni 10:8)
The other day I was talking to a friend, who shared a marvelous gift that a relative had, of literally being able to heal, by taking the illness upon herself, and then somehow discarding it.  People teased that she was a witch, but my friend explained that she was a fully God-fearing, church-going woman.  While no one quite understood how she did it, I say it's a gift.  A spiritual gift, clearly given to "profit" those she knew.  What a blessing!

The rest of this chapter is truly marvelous.  I would share the whole thing if I could.  Like how Moroni goes on to talk about faith, hope, and charity, and how if we lack hope, we're in despair.  And if we're in despair, it's because of iniquity.  Wow.  The things worth pondering never end.

I love this book.  I hope if I haven't convinced those who read this that it's worth reading, that the Holy Ghost will someday testify that it's a powerful book, and written to bring all men (and women, of course) to Christ.  Amen, amen, and amen!

<3, Jen

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