Monday, October 12, 2015

A Shining One which Beguiles

Bereshith 3:1: (Genesis 3:1, from The Scriptures edition of the Bible)

And the nahash was more crafty than all the lives of the field which (insert symbol for YHWH) Elohim had made, and he said to the woman, "Is it true that Elohim has said, 'Do not eat of every tree of the garden'?" 
I am unable to correctly type the word "nahash".  In my new copy of The Scriptures, "nahash" has a dot under the h, signifying that the h is pronounced a little throaty.  The index describes what nahash is:

"A proper name, meaning shining or shining one.  Often translated as serpent.  Also see 'Serpent.'" 

Back in August I discovered the website which described Controversial Truths.  I enjoyed the beginnings of what I read, and in turn decided to try their edition of the Bible, called The Scriptures.  I received my copy almost a week ago, and was so excited to give it a try.  Since ordering, it is interesting that while it did not come up before in my searches, but I have since discovered a website crying foul against the copyright owners of this book, as well as Christians saying this is an Anti-Christ version.  It seems apparent to me that all things must have their opposite, and those with opposite voices certainly feel to cry out in their opinions.  

Thus far, in my reading of this book, I have greatly enjoyed where it has taken me.  I have had to remove all fear, and consider opening up to greater truth.  There are already parts of this version that are not in agreement with Joseph Smith's translation, but they have done the best job they could in accurately translating from the documents which were available.  The translators do not claim to do their work through revelation.  Despite that characteristic, I have already easily read through several chapters, where when reading the King James version I tend to quickly lost interest, due to not understanding what common words mean.  See here for more links to learn more about this edition.  

As for today, it is interesting to understand again, that the serpent that beguiled the first woman was described as a shining one.  


  1. Somehow it seems the scriptures conflate the serpent and Lucifer. Perhaps the latter was giving the former what to say.

    Another odd thought occurred to me: In C. S. Lewis' Narnia series, I believe he said that at the beginning animals could speak.

    Thanks for your post.

    1. That's a really interesting point. It seemed clear to me during this reading that the serpent had been reduced to going on its belly, implying that previously it was not on its belly. It sure makes you wonder! Sometimes I have to wonder if C.S. Lewis were more inspired or more imaginative. He certainly adds more depth to the convo.

      Thanks for your comments!


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