Friday, July 6, 2012


Have you ever had a day, a time, a moment in your life when you feel just incredibly blessed?  Tonight I had one of those.

No worries to be concerned with.  No clocks to chase.  My kid actually ate a salad without complaining (which has never, ever happened).  The other kids listened and played quietly while I read scriptures before bed.

I got to use oils on my parents, to help their aches and pains.  Talked to my sweetheart on the phone for a few minutes.  Enjoyed pictures of the fireworks, and got to touch base with a few friends.

Creek jumped (walked in the creek) earlier in the day with a friend and our kids for 3 hours.  Ate apples, cherries, Ritz Bitz and pretzels in the shade with bottled spring water.  Threw bread at the ducks and tried to catch fish in a red Solo cup.  A snake tried to scare off my oldest boy, and the rest of us laughed.

It was one of those days, and one of those times, and one of those moments.  Everything fits.  Everything makes sense, and I cannot help but to humbly acknowledge, graciously, that God had a hand in this day.  So thankful.  So blessed.

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