Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Health Bus: Apples with Peanut Butter

It's my first post for the Health Bus!  I was going to call it the Weight-loss Bus, but I don't think these posts will only apply to people looking to lose weight.  They're more geared toward anyone looking to get or stay healthy. 

Too often it seems like people focus on their bad habits.  One person I'm working with seems to always have to confess her "bad" moments, eating one too many pretzels, or indulging in ice cream.  I keep reminding her, "You are NOT BAD!"  What is "bad" about eating such things?  They may not be great for encouraging health, but calling yourself "bad" does nothing to help the matter.  It's like saying, "Don't look at that giant purple panda off the side of the road!"  Instead of looking at the road, the driver naturally focuses on the purple panda, veering off toward it.  Poor dead panda.  

With that in mind, I want to focus on good things.  Often I feel like if someone puts a picture of some good-looking, healthy food in front of me, I'm more apt to eat it!  Sure, I could shovel in Mint Oreos all day, but if you offer me a decent plate of well dressed vegetables, I'll inhale them.  And I would bet most vegetable-tolerant people would. 

That said, here's my inspirational picture for the week.

Sliced Fuji Apples with Peanut Butter.  Chunky Peanut Butter.

When I started changing my own diet, I found that rather than changing everything at once, I began substituting my "trouble" food – which at the time was animal crackers – with one vegetable.  (Veggies were my problem food – I couldn't seem to enjoy any of them!)  For me, celery was my substitution of choice. 

I don't know if anyone out there has trouble eating fruit, but for this week, my substitution recommendation is apples.  They're one fruit that is relatively cheap right now.  These apples were the sweetest I've had in a long time.  And if you're one who's worried about sugar content, realize that these sugars are likely much healthier than processed and refined sugars.  So eat and enjoy, knowing you're putting living, healthy food into you!


p.s. - What are your favorite fruits this time of year?  What's in season where you live?

Disclaimer: The information provided on this post and website should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction.  No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this site.  Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their personal health and well being.  The information and/or opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.  This website is not responsible for errors or omissions.  And please don't eat apples or peanut butter if you are allergic to them in any way.  Don't forget to wear dentures if you have no teeth, as eating apples without teeth may be hazardous to one's health.  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. LOL, LOL, I love your disclaimer. This definitely puts eating apples into the proper prospective. I saw some in the Whole foods store yesterday. I wanted to buy some honey crisp but they were $3.69 a lb. ouch. The fuji were $1.29 but that is in CA so consider the location. The final choice of the day was a yellow golden delicious. yummy sorry, no peanut butter at the time.


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