Thursday, April 26, 2012

URL and Massage News

I have news!  This site has been down a few days, and the reason?

One is a new URL!  The new address for this website is  (The is still active as well and will also come here.)  This move is simple, but seemed to take several days to figure out proper coding, links to, etc.  But now it's done! YAY!!! 

The reason for a new URL?  While I don't know how this will play out, I am trusting that I am moving in the right direction with the things I have been learning.  The end goal is to open up an emotional healing practice when we get settled in Pennsylvania.  While I hope to establish a literal business, I also want to have a website already well established with proper links for information and such, on what I do.  Hopefully by then, this will be more appropriately squared away! 

The other change (which will appear momentarily) is that I've been trained in "Aromatouch®" massage, and will be offering them for free of charge for those in the local area over the next month or so.  The massage technique requires only the exposure of the back, neck, head, feet, and hands, and is by no means a deep tissue massage.  While the training only focused on the physical methods and benefits, I hope to also bring the emotional aspect into it, to allow for a more well-rounded experience.

In Utah, I am not legally licensed as a massage therapist, so I am not allowed to charge for this service.  However, I am able to charge for the oils and allow for donations.  For the time being though, I'll not be charging anything, so if you know of someone in the area you'd like to receive this, let me know.  I'm looking for 30 individuals.  (Only one offer per household, however.  After the first one, I'd charge the cost of oils.)    

With the excitement of learning this new technique, I've done poorly at my studies and don't have much insightful to share, but hopefully I'll get back on track soon.  I've decided to get back into the Book of Mormon again for another 6 month challenge.  My Genesis challenge is needing a boost, so I hope someone will decide to join in to share some comments!  Let me know if you decide to join me!

­­¡Que Dios te bendiga!


  1. AWESOME! All of it Awesome. I am so excited for all the change coming your way. I am also extactic about you coming back to PA :0)

  2. YAY!!! I'm so glad you're extactic! hahaha! Makes it all the more exciting! Can't hardly wait to get there!


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