Friday, December 2, 2011

A Warm Welcome!

I'm trying a new venture here, thanks to some inspiration I had while doing my daily studies.  This is a new blog, for a new day.

In the next few weeks, my family is going to be undertaking some major shifts.  We'll be moving 2000 miles, back to where my roots are.  And I say where my roots are, not because I was born and raised there, but because my heart belongs there, insofar as I can understand it.  I don't know how to explain that, but it's truer than true.

As I'm getting ready to begin this new journey, it seems to mirror what's going on in my spiritual life.  Not a major move, but I feel to blog about major shifts coming into my psyche, my spirit, my knowing.  I've been writing at JenHeadJen for some time now, focusing on book and product reviews, and for some time now, I haven't been working in that genre.  I feel it's time for a change; a "major shift".  I feel it's time to share with anyone who would like to join me in this journey.  I don't know who you'll end up being, but I hope you'll enjoy the ride.

While this blog might evolve over time, for the time being my intention is for it to be a place to record insights I gain from day to day, that I hope might possibly help inspire some of my friends who climb on the van with me.  I also hope that some of you will be willing to participate in sharing your journey and advancement, which will perhaps allow each of us to build upon each other's growth by sharing what we learn along the way.  Please feel free to comment, to share your own perspectives, or just enjoy reading.  If you'd like to share a post, please email me the content at jenheadjen[at]gmail[dot]com.

God bless, and happy trails!


  1. One can only hope and wish that the journey takes place in something other than this green bug with a boat on it. Not that the bug won't make it but the boat has no where to go. lol. And yes, it is time to move forward and I hope for the right reasons. Nancy goes West and you go East. Filler up..

  2. Ha! It's a van, not a bug. ;) And yes, it's definitely for the right reasons. Fill'er up, and don't forget the paddles!


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